Thursday May 21, 2020
Manhood Put to the Test in the lliad
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Manhood Put to the Test in the Iliad
Rev. Joseph Levine
Listen to the traits of manliness from the great figures in the historic epic of Homer: The Iliad. Fr Joseph Levine presents compelling points from the vivid and concrete descriptions of the lives and actions of such great figures as Hector, Odysseus, Nestor, and others. If we consider well the examples we find in Homer we will not find a crude and simplistic view of manhood, but a view that possesses tremendous scope and great subtlety. Listen to Fr. Levine’s unique perspectives, unlike any other commentary on this perennial classic.
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Priestly Manliness 2 of 2: Legacy Complete in the Savior's Journey
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
In this second presentation Dr. Phil Chavez goes deeper into the dynamics of moving as a Beloved Son, and in the identity of Jesus Christ. He explains that a priest must see his journey as exactly that of Christ’s. A priest will find answers to his mission and legacy if he anchors it in the Gospel accounts of our Lord. Strength becomes a reality ultimately through the Cross, and each priest must see the love of God through that sacrifice. In these ways a priest will reflect the love of God secured in the life of Christ with whom he identifies.
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Priestly Manliness 1 of 2: Strength Encountered in Christ's Identity
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
In this retreat to young priests, Dr. Phil Chavez makes important points of establishing strong masculine identity in the cleric. Taking on the name “Father” presumes that a man is well established first in his identity as a “Son” and “Brother”. Dr. Chavez explains how the foundation as a Beloved Son is integrated humanly and spiritually; and how this impacts a Priest in his spiritual life and in ministry. Other areas of character emasculation commonly found in the priest are treated.
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Most men wander through life asking themselves “Who am I?” And in this podcast Dr. Chavez addresses the importance of this question in light of a man’s human and spiritual quest. Profound explanations are given as to how a man can live and move in Jesus Christ. Dr. Chavez states that only in this way can a man realize his purpose. Identity in Christ, specifically as a Beloved Son, is the most important reality to grasp. Details are given how to live this identity in one’s daily spiritual life. “Becoming the Best Version of Christ” brings true fulfillment.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
With careful detail Dr. Phil Chavez explains the key identities of men which are: husband and father. These identities are to be formed in men with particular attention in the university. A man’s character growth can be helped through bonding in fraternity that prepares him for the expected tasks. Dr. Chavez explains how these identities give men particular satisfaction that careers do not. True manhood means that a man meets a woman’s needs as best as he can. Ideas are presented to help men succeed in life as husbands and fathers.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
In this audio presentation Dr. Phil Chavez presents the core roles of a man’s Mission and makes these clearly understandable for university men. He shows how a young man embraces his responsibilities as Leader, Protector, and Provider. With careful explanation Dr. Chavez gives the tasks of Priest, Prophet, and King that bear upon a man’s happiness and sense of purpose. College life presents opportunities whereby men can face their calling. Many tips are given on how to live these roles unapologetically in the face of a community overrun by feminism.
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Commotion over Gender Identity
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
“Why is there so much hate for the gay community?” What happened to a good old conversation of contrasting ideas? Tolerance may be preached but conversations are silenced today. What are we so afraid of? Middle school age girls suffer as “gender identity” politics infiltrate the school systems. Children face pressure to come out at cisgender or transgender leading to deeper self esteem issues. Are we becoming apathetic? Also discussed: free speech on college campuses, Christian leaders sign letter to protect abortion rights on demand, the Supreme Court to hear a case on equal employment surrounding LGBT issues. Dr. Phillip Chavez of The Men’s Academy joins Trending with Timmerie to discuss this and more.
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Men Embracing Their Mission
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Having a mission makes a difference. Do you view your life as a mission? If so, what is your mission? During this episode of Trending with Timmerie and guest Dr. Phillip Chavez, of The Men’s Academy, they discuss practical help for choosing happiness and each other in marriage, Uber firing one of their drivers, abortion, infanticide, Alabama, sex workers, Teen Vogue, and the democrat party's position on abortion.
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Sex-Change Improve Matters?
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Why shouldn’t someone have a sex change? Medicaid funding must now cover sex changes in the state of Iowa. Catholicism multiplies in Nigeria as they fight Boko Haram. A teacher forced her 4th grade student to remove his ashes on Ash Wednesday. Dr. Phillip Chavez of The Men’s Academy joins Trending with Timmerie.
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Men and Kanye West
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
What the heck has happened to Kayne West? Dr. Phillip Chavez, an expert on character development who works with men, joins Trending with Timmerie to discuss the changes happening in Kanye West’s life and his comments on porn, abortion, and fatherless homes. They’ll discuss the rise of suicide among men and why our culture has contributed to this mental health crisis. You'll learn what group of people isn’t committing suicide. Finally they’ll emphasize why God as Father and King is fundamental to the Christian life and sane living.
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
The Journey of the Beloved Daughter 1 of 3
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Dr. Chavez shows the struggle women have in becoming the Beloved Daughter when men are emasculated and lose their place. If a man’s hearts was not opened up by his father and other male mentors, it will be difficult to open up to the women in his life. When women open themselves up to being led, being protected, and being provided for, men will more readily rise to the occasion. Women need mentors who can guide them to surrender to male leadership. A woman is understood best not from what she does, but from the core movements of her heart: to be received, to be surrendered, and to be selfless. The heart of the daughter is most central to a woman, for to be received and accepted reaches to the core of a woman’s psychic being.
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Summoning Men to Greater Heights
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
In this audio delivered at a past Phoenix Men’s conference Dr. Phil discusses some of the tougher aspects of manliness and the duties men need to fulfill. He points out many of the things men struggle with, including the dilemma of finding one’s purpose. One reason for this failure is that young men required training to overcome the fear of laying down their lives. This starts with training to a host of skills by other men. Men must summon other men in order to be settled and secure. And all men must be lead to something higher—to some purpose in which they make a difference. Listen now to learn more about these and other vital points about manliness.
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Interview: Fathers and Sons
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Navigating an Authentic Men's Spirituality
In this Relevant Radio interview on the “Father’s and Son’s” episode, Dr. Phil Chavez discusses aspects of Men’s Spirituality with Chuck Neff. Some common struggles men face are identified and elaborated upon; and suggestions for moving forward are given. Dr. Chavez explains that often men struggle with fears, guilt, and a lost sense of personal identity. And in the supernatural realm, men feel lost as they neither understand nor can navigate what it means to be a priest, prophet, and king. Ultimately, to just “get me and my family to Heaven” does not satisfy. Each wants to make his contribution to “make a difference”. But this is hard, as men need a summons and—more often than not—need to work with their band of brothers to make this happen. These and other vital subjects are covered in this audio.
Friday May 10, 2019
Man on a Mission: Challenges in Religion 1 of 3
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
In this Audio Dr. Phil Chavez explains reasons behind the disconnection of men in the Church. This has become a widespread problem given that little appeals to the manly heart. Masculinity is not being summoned. Men feel out of place because of the manner in which the Faith is explained and worship is conducted. As regards a spiritual life, men find themselves stuck in complexities hard to navigate. The mentoring they need has become a lost art. Deep challenges exist understanding and maintaining a prayer life. Learn some ideas to help resolve these challenges.
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Journey of the Beloved Son-1 of 3
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
In this audio Dr. Phil Chavez offers sage guidance on becoming a Beloved Son of an earthly and heavenly Father. Awakening the manly heart toward this identity brings breakthrough and healing in a man’s life. The Father’s Love of itself transforms a man so he may reach confidence in every area of life. Alongside testimony from his own journey, Dr. Chavez gives practical steps to experience this transformation as a Beloved Son in life and prayer. Moving in the Father’s love is the source of true peace. This is a man’s inheritance—and every man should claim it!
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Life-Changing Effects of Mentorship [in a Boy’s Life}
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
In this presentation a compelling case is given to show that concerted mentoring of boys is vital to preserve their identity as a man—while also needful to keep them in the Church. Jason Craig explains how such guidance should be intentional and mentors must be clear on what they are doing and why they are doing it. This audio presentation is insightful as well as humorous. Jason presents some anecdotes and stories of his own mentoring successes. Special attention is given to his compelling theories on Rites of Passage; and he shows the steps in the process that lead young lads into a successful transition as a mature male in his community. This presentation was recorded from the annual MGI-Masculine Genius Institute #3 Summit.
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
Sexual Integrity: The Secrets Young Men Keep
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
Mark Houck, founder of The King’s Men, delivers a powerful talk on how the hyper-sexualized culture impacts the development of a young man today. As he matures into adulthood, this dangerous, pornographic influence brings long-term effects such as addiction and deep sadness. Mark also presents the influence that childhood trauma, such as the loss of a father, has on the psychological and sexual development of a boy. Often, these painful experiences generate coping mechanisms that inevitably create “secrets that young men keep”.
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Guiding to Sound Integration of the Sex Drive
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Dr. Phil Chavez gives compelling teachings to promote sound psycho-sexual development of the adolescent male in this podcast. Many men fail to reach authentic happiness due to lack of healthy integration in human sexuality. While pointing out some facets of this problem, Dr. Phil explains ways to view sexuality with positivity and respect in order to avoid dynamics of guilt and shame. Young men need to embrace sexuality in an ennobled manner—as something they are to safeguard and protect. A well-formed sense of Chivalry helps a man view a woman as a subject to be honored and respected. No matter what the challenges are in society, a young man can be properly formed if he has mentors in his life to guide him and open up his heart.
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Adult Children “Going No Contact”
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Why are adult children cutting of their parents and “going no contact”? Misplaced individualism is leading to narcissism. Protests are destroying thousands of years of history in France. Why are violent protests the norm among the millennial generation? Could it be due to the rejection of masculinity? Feminism and modernity have rejected patriarchy, but goes this leave male leadership wanting?
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Shaping a Finished Man: The Longest Yard
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
In this presentation Dr. Phil Chavez gives compelling reasons to be intentional about forming an adolescent boy into a man. The quest to form is vital given the negative effects of an unguided masculinity. Dr. Chavez explains various negative effects that manifested themselves not only in homes but also in the seminaries. The present Church crisis becomes enabled by the emasculated formation of priests—particularly as leaders, protectors, and providers of the faithful. Listen to details about these 3 roles in order to see their needful impact in Church and society.